If we were to ask you who you were, you would give us your name. If we asked again, you would begin to tell us about yourself, what you like or do not like, how others describe you, your traits, and so forth. This is what makes you…you.

    Everyone lives by convictions. Convictions are the beliefs that make people who they are. They can also be pillars, the basics of how a person lives and why they live the way they do. This makes us all unique, as we see and experience the world differently. For the Geek Theocast, we, too, have our pillars by which we operate; it’s why the podcast is what it is and why we do and say what we do.

    One of our favorite shows that highlight our pillars is “Community.” This comedy is about a diverse group of people who first meet as a Spanish class study group, which evolves into a community and family. Throughout the six seasons, the characters grow as individuals and a community as they learn to navigate life with a strong support system. As time passes, they accept each other, quirks and all, and become a tight-knit family. Likewise, the Geek Theocast seeks to do the same as we all try to navigate the waters of life by abiding by five pillars.

    The first pillar is mental health. We believe that one’s mental health is vital. We want to be a place where people can be open and honest about their mental health and be able to say that they are not doing well. Stephen and I are always open about our mental health because, just like everyone else, we have had our share of struggles. The good news is that we know we are not alone because we have others we can go to when we are struggling, and they can help calm us down. Ultimately, we recognize that we can take our mental health to God. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This means that God can and will take whatever we are dealing with and replace it with peace.

    Our second pillar concerns spiritual health. We believe it is essential to know what you believe and why. Your beliefs dictate how you live, your morals, and your convictions. Everyone is religious in some way, even the atheist or agnostic; they live by their beliefs. We know one’s spirituality dictates moral values and gives them purpose. Because of this, we believe that taking care of our spiritual health is essential because failing to do so will cause other areas of our lives to suffer. The Geek Theocast will always have a spiritual spin on what we bring each week because that is who we are. We welcome anyone to join our community, even if you disagree with our views.

    The third pillar is physical health. This affects us most obviously since people can see our physical bodies. We need to ensure we properly maintain our bodies by eating right and exercising. This is not always an easy thing to do since we can feel pressed for time. But 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” If we fail to care for our physical bodies, our life expectancy is significantly reduced; we only have one body and one shot at life. Even taking a walk or drinking more water can be beneficial in expanding our longevity.

    Our fourth pillar is God. We believe in the one true God, the God of Christianity, who sent his only son, Jesus, to Earth to die for the sins of the world, making it possible for us to one day reach Heaven. For us, this is non-negotiable, our dogma. This does not mean that Theocast is only for Christians. Instead, this podcast is for everyone willing to listen and want to be a part of something bigger. Theology is a part of who we are, and we tie everything in with the Bible. But we also believe you must understand what you believe about a higher power. If you are Christian, welcome! If you are atheist or agnostic, welcome! If you are Muslim, welcome! If you are searching and unsure of your belief, welcome! At any time, reach out if you have questions about what or why we believe in following God.

    Our final pillar is embracing community. We believe God did not intend for us to be alone. Humans need to interact with others, so punishments like solitary confinement are harsh. We do not want anyone to feel alone, and we know the importance of having a community, a circle of friends who can pick you up when you feel down and will be honest with you. These are the people you can be authentic with, people with whom you can celebrate the highs of life and be friends during the lows of life. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” We need each other, whether we believe the same thing or not. We need the support and want to be that for you the way others support us.

    At Geek Theocast, we believe that focusing on these five pillars can help us enjoy our best life. Our challenge to you is to find a balance between each of these, and if one area is lacking, find ways to focus on it and bring it to a healthy place; only you know what areas are strengths and weaknesses. We are committed to leading by example and will be transparent as we do. We love our audience and want to enjoy your company as long as possible.