Have you looked into the mirror and not been satisfied by what you saw looking back? Of course, we all have.
The problem is that we can be our worst critics and see every flaw we want to see. But when we look honestly at ourselves, it can do something extraordinary: inspire change.
In the first episode of Arrow, we are introduced to Oliver Queen, a playboy billionaire shipwrecked on a distant island and forced to survive for five years. During that time, he changes as a person, and when he is finally rescued, he returns to Star City and begins to make changes in his life by becoming a vigilante. The series is about the changes he made within himself and the changes he made to the city.
Recently, I looked into the mirror and looked hard at who I was. I was reminded of who I once was and who I am now. While I feel I am a better person, I realize there are still some changes to be made, and with change comes new beginnings.
New beginnings are tricky because it requires a change of some sort. Some will walk the journey with you, excited to see a new and improved you. But there will also be some who will oppose your journey. All you can do is ask yourself why that is; they either see something you don’t notice, or they do not want to see you change. This is when we must ask for discernment to understand the situation and trust what the Holy Spirit tells us. But we must be willing to change if it is needed.
In the book of Joshua, the Israelites are about to enter the Promised Land. While this seems great, Israel is going to have to need to trust God. This will be a new land, and they will not be able to rely on the faith or actions of the previous generations. In fact, because of the earlier generations and their sins, none could see the Promised Land. God had to work on the next generation’s hearts and help them make a good change from who they once were into who they needed to be. It took great effort, but God was faithful in assisting them in taking over the land promised to their ancestors, but it took a willingness to obey God.
The next time you look into the mirror, consider if and what changes might be necessary to become the man or woman God is calling you to be. Changes can be difficult at first, and they will take time to take effect, but once they do, you will one day realize the purpose behind the changes you made, and the journey will be worth it.