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Community: The Geek Theocast Pillars
If we were to ask you who you were, you would give us your name. If we asked again, you would begin to tell us about yourself, what you like or do not like, how others describe you, your traits, and so forth. This is what makes you…you. Everyone lives by convictions. Convictions are the beliefs that make people who they are. They can also be pillars, the basics of how a person lives and why they live the way they do. This makes us all unique, as we see and experience the world differently. For...
Have you looked into the mirror and not been satisfied by what you saw looking back? Of course, we all have. The problem is that we can be our worst critics and see every flaw we want to see. But when we look honestly at ourselves, it can do something extraordinary: inspire change. In the first episode of Arrow, we are introduced to Oliver Queen, a playboy billionaire shipwrecked on a distant island and forced to survive for five years. During that time, he changes as a person, and...